

This fee funds programs and activities within the residence halls.


Certain courses carry an additional fee required to operate the class. This fee is used to support courses requiring specialized materials/supplies and/or a specialized environment. Fees are labeled specific to the resource they are receiving with the associated course. 例子包括纸张 & Building Material Fee, Art Supply Fee, Trips & 娱乐费用等. 所有费用均注明在帐单上 学术计划.

General Student Fee – Undergraduate and 研究生

The general fee provides a partial contribution supporting essential infrastructure, facilities and institutional services necessary to promote student learning. This fee covers access to health and counseling services and it supports student government and club activities. 除了, this fee supports technology infrastructure initiatives including, 但不限于, 网络, 电子信息资源, computer laboratories and smart technology classrooms. This fee also covers facility enhancements and student services such as access to the Beckerman Recreation Center. The general fee is charged for each semester in which a student enrolls.


Lab fees are used to support courses requiring specialized materials and/or a specialized learning environment. 实验室费用已注明在 学术计划.

  • All first-year students living on campus are automatically assigned to the Charger Pride 膳食计划. This plan is mandatory for the first-year students.
  • Returning residental students are prompted to select a meal plan during the room selection process through their MyHousing account via myCharger.
  • Commuter students are not required to purchase a meal plan but may sign-up for a plan on the 餐厅的网站.

Students are charged in accordance with the residence hall they are assigned to.


All full-time undergraduate and international (undergraduate and graduate) students are required to have health insurance and are automatically billed for the cost of the University-sponsored student health insurance plan.

Domestic full-time undergraduate students with existing health insurance coverage who wish to waive the coverage offered by the University, 必须提交 在线豁免 在规定的截止日期前.

The University student health insurance plan is mandatory for all full-time (undergraduate and graduate) international students and coverage cannot be waived.


类似于一般的学生费用, this fee provides a partial contribution supporting essential infrastructure, facilities and institutional services necessary to promote student learning.


Full-time undergraduate students registering for more than 17 credits during a given semester will be charged for each credit according to the per credit hour tuition rates.


学费 differentials are additional fees associated with particular courses. These courses (Chemistry, Computer Science, and Engineering) require additional resources to operate. 它在概念上类似于实验室费用, although the course in question does not necessarily have a laboratory component. 价目表上注明了不同的费用 学术计划.


学费 for graduate students is charged per credit hour.


Full-time undergraduate tuition covers 12-17 credits per semester. Part-time undergraduate tuition is charged per credit hour. (每学期1-11学分)